1 RSS FED. Looking Back At 1 Post, For A Time To Look Forward

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Denomination Return

Enough said?
Enough said??
Enough said; politically speeking;... maybe.

In democracy, a vote has a place of good.
Doesn't mean it's always placed good.
 In Monarchy, there is probably something else that is good.
The Belief You Have combign with words shared by those you like, trust; and they are savored like idolitry in YOUR OWN FAITH TO 'SOME LIMIT"; charished , loved; or feared by eloquent favor of reflections of destructing or protecting your likes and dislikes; and probably rivaled by extortations between their constituents and their challengers.|Yo!
Yo! hELLO?
Need a POLE?
So... .
sObetween nominatiting and unnominating is probably a range of denominating.
Its not enough to draw extreme conclussions to think why political entities have interests in the flow of things, and with keeping controle of educating processes that could could technically disrupt, or even stablise if they prefer the disruption just for the sake of disruption. But this post...
..this is another story.

Of, What.

So you probably already understand and believe, some things or not...
Maybe, may be...
Maybe  may be not; of the News, Of The Day?I doubt much of this will bring up results on a keyword search.
If any.

At all.
One, at one... 

 Time and UnTime, is a construct; calendars, bearings...
..thats a good story...

..but bearings of manipulative, intimidating, and dominating behavior,..

... AND RETURN??? ...  NO!
No one wants that.
No one needs that.
AND These are not new to this land or to the world.

Here are some highlights of a newstorys(News Story) Today:

Highlights of “THE ALINSKY CODE” include:
  • The left's scorched-earth policy” by Joseph Farah, on the left-wing obsession with censoring and eliminating opposing voices
  • “Magic words” by David Kupelian, on the left's secret weapon for transforming traditional America
  • “Lib-Speak: A lexicon for the Age of Obama” by Don Feder
  • “Political word games” by Thomas Sowell, who calls Barack Obama a “master” of “lying smoothly” by redefining words
  • “50 forbidden words” by Joe Kovacs, reporting on the New York City school district that found “politics,” “evolution” and even “birthdays” too offensive to include in tests
  • “What is ‘fair’?” by John Stossel, who demonstrates that wall-to-wall injustice lurks behind the left’s favorite rallying cry
  • “President of the lie” by David Kupelian, on what happens when the free world's leader is constantly deceptive?
  • “Alinsky’s methods explained” by Phyllis Schlafly, on how Obama’s role model Saul Alinsky proved revolutionary action starts with a few choice words
  • “The wannabe tyrant’s secret” by David Kupelian, on what makes negative societal transformation so easy for radicals to accomplish
  • “Why liberals won't debate conservatives” by Dennis Prager, who says “The left is a victim of its own brainwash”
Could there be "a concept that took on a menefestation into existance", established with the cooperation and coordination of humanity, that became a country into existance; that political jealousy over opperations and credability and over placement of powers and jealousy over authority; all quite the antithesis, and like or unlike, shares too a material construct, without that of a devine prophetic foundation as our  Israel; yet by creative natal point in erra of history, it shares a place of likenesses of earth's boundaries of  constituents?

What are all the keys to the country?

DO the Americas have a place of mention in scripture?

Could this be The End Of The Church Age as fAMILYrADIO.ORG DESCRIBED?

Could there really be a thread of Christianity that spread
through Judaism's exodus by those with Moses, and
others predating Abraham, as well as threads of the faith,
through Abraham's;  and all that share in some part of
the story to the Melchezidek Priest's in Europe; and of those
what about the King Arthur's and the stories f so many of those
like great statues of the tallest and highest were made, and maybe still stand;
from places all around the the world, Not just The Middle East, but also The Far East,
Europe and Asia, and Africa, and possibally even into the Americas...
.. Camelot or Jesus..?... and of all, or each, that  spread world wide>>>
.. through the peoples cultures all the way since Adam and Eve,
fleeing the cival-structure when boudaries collided, and that
like an Odyysy inside an Illiad, contued till even as the Nazarite
compared to the beliefs of  Early American Southern Baptist's, greater storied biographically influences moved in and the old seems all but  faded;...
..ist it  that Now all those has reach a peak"
And where within any of that was the Christianity that stemmed from Rome; later.
It was in Rome at Rome's time of  story.
And or  is even that still the same today?
What about other Orthodox? Russian, Greek?
- THAT A GREAT MERGER or conversion MAY


The same keywords applied shre these results
.. just results that differ by using another search engine...


  • THE ALINSKY CODE: Whistleblower Single Issue - May 2012 - How America is confused, intimidated and dominated by the left’s secret language Millions of Americans feel they’re living in a war zone, the bombardments coming their way daily. Nonstop lies and corruption. White House “czars” with communist backgrounds. Brazen presidential power grabs. Bows to enemy leaders and insults to allies. Intentionally destructive economic and energy policies. Presidential hot-mic gaffes proving collusion with America’s enemies. No wonder Americans are more worried today about the very survival of their nation than at any time since the Civil War. But underlying the madness – underlying all of the epic, high-level subversion of America – enabling it, justifying it, disguising it – is a secret language of the left, a language most citizens neither understand nor even recognize. This secret language, an essential ingredient in America’s rapidly advancing socialist transformation, is dramatically exposed in May’s groundbreaking issue of Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE ALINSKY CODE.”

From Hiawatha to King Arthur there is a history;...
... and there is history; and from history, to history there; there, there is a story.

Its Not Just THEIRS!


This is one; of several stories,
all here, within this one post :;;

So..; here:

The Constellations of the Chickamaugan Cherokee are 13 fold which contain the characterizations of mainly animals. (  http://www.crystalinks.com/cherokee.html )
Among the many design configurations seen written upon the stars are the designs of animals, objects, and many other elements of TIME UNTIME.
The figures of the sky are totally different from other cultures of the Zodiac except for a rare few which seem to be similar. The only one which seems to relative to similarity is found within the Cherokee Constellation Scorpion and Snake and this in relation to others as Scorpio and Serpent.

This is the story of only one of those constellations.
This is of the Cherokee Constellation Rattlesnake.
And within this one Constellation is found a PROPHECY.
Within the Rattlesnake of the Heavens is found TIME UNTIME foretold since the dawn of TIME.

In the sky is found the figure of a Snake. And upon this snake it is the outline of a Rattlesnake. Sometimes the Serpent and the Rattlesnake take on its bearing of one or the other but the Snake of the Rattlesnake is ITS design.

The Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation is not like other cultures of the world. The Cherokee Rattlesnake in the Heavens has a head and winds itself back and forth with its body as in sidewinding itself to its tail. The boundary of the Rattlesnake is unlike the boundaries of other Zodiac cultures. In the Heavens the Pleiades Star System is found as the tip of the Rattlesnake tail.

The Rattlesnake of the Cherokee is very sacred and its sacredness is written even in the Heavens. Upon the mouth of the Rattlesnake is found 52 scales. These scales in number of 52 is written upon the Calendar of the Cherokee and upon the wheels and rings of TIME UNTIME. The Calendar of the Cherokee spins upon wheels and rings as a sophisticated dating system. A dating system that not only tells TIME of events, people, places, and things but also a very holy and sacred element within the Cherokee culture itself of ALL THINGS.

The Rattlesnake can sometimes be imaged as a serpent. To be a Serpent or to be the Rattlesnake depends on the knowing of the TIMES and TIMES of TIME UNTIME. To know the culture of the Cherokee and its Ancient design upon LIFE. One MUST know the things of TIME UNTIME in order to place the constellation as a Rattlesnake or a Serpent. But this is another story.


Tellings : Red Elk Speaks

Tellings : Red Elk Speaks redelkspeaks.com/category/tellings/page/23/CachedJun 17, 2010 – Then Glenn Kimball couldn't make a program and told Art Bell of me. .... One put together the 6 Nation Confederacy and worked with Hiawatha.


The American Experience: (excert) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/china/peopleevents/pande03.html
It lasted only an hour, but the unscheduled meeting between Chairman Mao Tse-tung and Richard Nixon was the highlight of the president's February 1972 mission to China. Both Nixon and his national security adviser Henry Kissinger were awed by the 78-year-old chairman, who "dominated the room," as Kissinger later recalled in his memoirs, "by exuding in almost tangible form the overwhelming drive to prevail."

In a story (linked and embedded below by Moa Tsa-Tung) ...
...scroll up a page and start from the at the Second Session ...
..there, after the hour...
... a small boy under the direction of his grandfather sounds the gong
as to allow time for the guests to return home  before dark from the contest.

A  local boy begins. Speaking slowly, "They asked Jesus: What should we do to satisfy God?
much later..
... Uncut Jade stands up ... 
... Confucius line exerted(embedded at current view)- The man of wisdom delights in water, the man of humanity delights in mountains. The man of wisdom is active; the man of humanity is tranquil. The man of wisdom enjoys happiness; the man of humanity enjoys long life.

Uncut Jade sits down ...

..The next boy has lost his arrogant expression as he resorts to a quote from Moa
"Women hold up half of the heavens." ...



  • December 04, 2012
    by Arthur Herman
    Warning: The UN is coming for your Internet
    The Internet has been the embodiment of American ways of freedom of expression, equality of opportunity for access to knowledge, and free enterprise through the web. What’s coming these next twelve days in Dubai would wreck that forever.
  • December 04, 2012
    by Lanny Ebenstein  A fiscal 'crisis' -- Milton Friedman would say, 'bring it on'
    What would Milton Friedman, the great twentieth century free market economist,
    say about economic prospects today and, in particular, the fiscal decisions facing
    Congress by year's end?

  • December 03, 2012 by Lauren Green
    The pope, his brother and the musical bond that brings them closer to heaven
    Even world renowned musicians, who've performed for presidents and princes, are brought to tears when Beethoven's Ode to Joy, or Mozart's Requiem, are presented under the high altars of some of the venues like the grand Cathedral of St. Paul Outside the Walls, or the soaring arches of the  Basilica of St. Mary Major
  • December 03, 2012
    by Marc RottermanNow is not the time for Republicans to panic and retreat
    Now is not a time for Republicans to panic and to retreat. Republicans must pivot and change the debate and stick to their no new taxes pledge.
  • What Should You Do if You’re Pushed Onto Subway Tracks?
    Think fast. READ MORE »
    By | Posted Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2012, at 4:26 PM ET

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